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RED CROSS // Day 3, 28 March 2020

A red cross for all of us who need a bit of care right now.⁠⁣


⁣For the nurses and doctors and all those in essential services, including two of my sisters and my brother.⁠⁣


⁣A red cross for the small grief I feel everytime I pass someone on our daily walk outside, and we move to separate from them, hold the requisite distance. Small griefs that add up to feeling quite tearful by the time I get home. ⁠⁣



⁣Day 1 was surreal, day 2 was "i got this, no sweat - actually maybe this is kinda fun". Day 3 the reality has sunk in of the enormity of what we as a country are doing for the next four weeks.  I applaud it, I support it but jesus wept this is so outside of any of our experience, this is so fcking hard, on so many levels, for us all - all of our hearts are hurting in exactly the same way. ⁠⁣


⁣But hey, today is today and in half an hour I'm gonna be eating a beautiful dinner my partner cooked, and then I'm gonna turn off my tech and lose myself in Westworld.  Then I'll sleep and dream and today will become tommorrow and will bring what tommorrow brings.  And so it goes. ⁠⁣


⁣One day at a time, eh.⁠⁣


[Red cross 2020 is available as a limited edition studioprint]