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THE DAY AFTER THE END // Day 34, 28 April 2020

Here there is us. One day at a time. Together.

The day after the end, which is just the beginning.


I made this from the Day 1 , Day 2 and Day 33 artworks because I felt the need to wrap this “parentheses” project up, to make an “end” to this series that means a lot to me, is such a personal illustration of a very important five weeks in my life/our lives.

Yes, we’ve left Level 4 but our lives have still changed, are changing. The world is not as it was, and “as it was” won’t return. We’re all uncertain. It’s still us, one day at at time, together, making our lives up as we go along.

[The day after the end, 2020 is available as a limited edition studioprint]