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IT'S BEAUTIFUL HERE // Day 18, 12 April 2020

I made the first iteration of this artwork in 2018, during a difficult period. A time where I was feeling hemmed in by the small quietness of my life. I wrote the words as a reminder that there was beauty in my ordinary everyday, despite the corner I felt backed into. It was a case of write it down and make it so. The poem is also a loveletter to my home, the town I lived in, and to this country of ours.

These words seems so exactly right for right now, for all of us doing it tough smack in the middle of this lockdown, that I felt compelled to make a new version to offer out to anyone who wants it. I’m not a frontline worker in any shape or form, but I wanted to do something. This is it. A wee bit of art to help you remember that, if you look for it, beauty can be found right where you are, even in the smallest of places.

“it’s beautiful here

in this small room

in this small town

in this small country

at the edge

of the world.”

[It’s beautiful here, 2020 is available as a limited edition studioprint]