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CROSSROADS // Day 30, 24 April 2020

I’ve found in my life so far that there is grace to be found in any kind of grief, trauma or illness - if you can find it in yourself to look for it.

The enforced slowness of the last four weeks has given me the grace of breathing space, time to really think about the where/what/who/how of my life. The places in which I want to change it up, the areas I just want to shore it up.

Despite - or maybe because of - all the constriction and uncertainty within the parentheses of this lockdown, there’s an opportunity for marvelous re-invention. And damn, I got enough Lady Gaga in me to always be up for that.

The desire for that internal reshaping quite naturally leads to a crossroads because in choosing a new path forward, you necessarily have to discount other possible roads.

So here I am, sitting in the centre of my internal landscape, wondering which way to go, There are decisions to be made in both my working and personal life, in relation to the way I operate within myself and in the way I operate in the wider world. The pressure I’ve been putting on myself to make the right decisions, the fierce thinking I”ve been doing in order to force my own hand……this way that way right way wrong way which way... until my head feels like it’s exploding.

Thing is, the best decisions I’ve ever made have been arrived at by putting aside my fiercely over-thinking brain and finding the courage to listen to my heart.

She always steers me true.

[Crossroads 2020 is available as a limited edition studioprint]